presse oleodinamiche
presse oleodinamiche

F.lli NAVA s.r.l.

Founded in the sixties in Monza, the company was founded by the NAVA brothers with the aim of creating innovation in the field of hydraulic production presses.

presse oleodinamiche
presse oleodinamiche
presse oleodinamiche
presse oleodinamiche

During the period of the great industrial development of our country, the NAVA brothers were pioneers in intuiting and anticipating the needs of companies that use production presses, needs that over the years have been imposed by the market becoming essential, such as:

• High levels of safety in the use of the equipment for operators’ protection and equipment integrity

• Availability of the press for planned production, without deviations due to micro or macro stops

By following these guidelines in the construction of hydraulic presses, NAVA enters into full harmony with the market, first Italian and then worldwide.

Today the new generation continues the tradition with the passion of the first founders, concentrating its energies on the desire to supply the national and international market with increasingly efficient hydraulic presses for deep-drawing and moulding, taking into account not only the technical quality/quantity objective of the moulding but also sustainability and environmental footprint.

The mission of F.lli NAVA does not end with the simple sale of the new press or the complete moulding solution, but continues, supporting the customer throughout the life cycle of the press, both new production and overhauled (even of other brands).

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